
Question: Reporting people automatically adds users to block list.

@anonmod said in #9:
> It works that way on purpose.
Can we get a clarification on that?
For example a why?

Surely Lichess has a reason, a moderator said so.
But can a moderator publicly state the cause? Or should we, us curious users, just speculate?

Surely there is a GitHub or boardroom meeting reference?
Perhaps copy paste the Link?
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #12:
> [...] Or should we, us curious users, just speculate? [...]

My own speculation is that it was judged that automatically adding all reported users to the block list would reduce the "general hassle" for everyone. For example, suppose X is spamming Y in direct messages. Y manages to find out how to report X but doesn't immediately see how to block X before a moderator can get to it. So if that's done automatically, it helps Y's peace of mind. Whether that benefit justifies the annoyance caused when people are put on the block list after being reported for something for which blocking is inappropriate is debatable.

I've got into the habit of reporting and then immediately removing the person from my block list. It isn't much extra effort.
@Brian-E said in #13:
> Y manages to find out how to report X but doesn't immediately see how to block X before a moderator can get to it.
Nope. When after reporting, we were granted the option to block them.
@AOOP09 said in #14:
> Nope. When after reporting, we were granted the option to block them.
Brian isn't incorrect. Since it does censor a blocked users post. However, what is the point? Since if I/we see a Lichess censored comment, with a button titled something like "show blocked comment" in the forum, we obviously click on it, to see what it is about.

This was how I noticed the change at first.

I don't like this change. I don't mind they censor a users post, since there is a button to click and see.
But I don't like a report automatically adds people, to my personal blocking list.

I find this intrusive.
My block list is mine to add/remove people too.
It should not be automatic.

If it's a kind of children protection tool?, then they should add a Parental code to remove the blocked post/user.

Not just a Button that screams " hey, wanna see something censored? ;-)"

I am not sure why they changed this, but my guess is, that it was intended as some sort of Parental protection tool, so people (for example kids) don't see something their parents would not want them to see?

I don't know?
Does anyone care to enlighten me?
Perhaps show a link to the "change log"
I tried searching, but could not find it.

Hope my thread is considered, and received as constructive criticism.
I meant, I did find the change log, just not this specific change :-D
I don't even know which month to search in?
@anonmod I assume you don't receive pinged notifications.

But just remembered an old response from you, regarding a different question.
yet, giving the circumstances, kind of ironic in retrospect.
"If you want to report something, but do not know which account to report for it, just report @anonmod."
Copy/pasted from anonmod
Yeah, kind of funny. Don't worry Anonmod, I will unblock you :-D