
New time control options?

I think it would be nice if lichess added new time controls, like 1/3+1/2 or 1/6+1/3. I don't know how good it might be or how easy it would be to implement, but I think it could be fun.
I don't like it. More options is not always better. There is a huge benefit in going with some sort of standards. While the proposed versions would be a little different form the existing time controls, the existing ones should feel close enough in terms of playing experience.

PS: (Hyper) bullet addiction is a thing...
The time control I think would be useful to have added to the "Quick Pairings" is 10+2 because I think more people will pick that than 10+5.

Some people do like the idea of increment so the endgame doesn't turn into a pure flagging contest, but 5 seconds is maybe more than you need to achieve that, and 2 seconds is quite good enough.

Maybe also 5+2 instead of 5+3.

I have observed that not many are playing 10+5 and a lot are playing 10+0. I asked someone why and they said it is hard to get matched at 10+5.

I'd also like to see some rapid arenas being 10+2
@earlpurple said in #3:
> I have observed that not many are playing 10+5 and a lot are playing 10+0. I asked someone why and they said it is hard to get matched at 10+5.

And then picking 10+0 instead makes them basically part of the problem. I like 10+5 very much, and I think 5 seconds increment is more to the spirit of rapid than 2; but both are better than +0. :-)

> I'd also like to see some rapid arenas being 10+2

Or probably 10+5 as that's the standard here. But either way, more increment in the arenas would be nice..
@yxwqy said in #1:
> I think it would be nice if lichess added new time controls, like 1/3+1/2 or 1/6+1/3. I don't know how good it might be or how easy it would be to implement, but I think it could be fun.
If you want to play such options, just go to the lobby tab (on the homepage) and create a new challenge. If someone finds that time control good enough for playing, they'll join your match.
1 Most players seeking games don't use the lobby.
2. Lobby is not visible on android app (although you can see it on android going via the browser)
3. I also asked for this in regular arenas as they are all 10+0

I also like 5 second increment but I think more would prefer the increment to be 2 seconds.
10+0 is certainly not the "spirit of rapid".
I agree flagging contests are the spirit of bullet and to a large extent also blitz.